Bush Calls for Reduced U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil Asks Congress for comprehensive energy reform legislation ttp://usinfo.state.gov/usinfo/Archive/2005/Apr/20-41791.html?chanlid=washfile
名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん[sage] 投稿日:2005/05/22(日) 21:02:49 ID:/bZ/KaEA ttp://www.howardwfrench.com/archives/2005/05/22/busty_child_reported_to_ease_antijapan_tension_in_china/ Busty child reported to ease anti-Japan tension in China (GEOFF BOTTING - The Japan Times) May 22, 2005
Translated from Shukan Bunshun (May 19)
The wave of anti-Japanese sentiment in China continues, more than a month since the first round of demonstrations against the Japanese government’s approval of a controversial school textbook flared throughout the country. Diplomats and politicians on both sides have been trying to diffuse tensions in a flurry of meetings and shuttle diplomacy, but so far these methods have had only limited effect.
Saaya Irie, an 11-year-old Japanese girl, may not be that miracle, but she has clearly played a part in pacifying a certain segment of China’s population, according to Shukan Bunshun. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー アメリカの、割と読まれているらすいHoward W. Frenchのブログに掲載されたさ〜やネタ。 どうもこういう話を好む人(呂利傾向?)が多いみたいで、このネタはいろんなところに 転載されているような。すかす、いまや世界的存在(?)さ〜や、恐るべし。